Order Management System
Order management systems (OMSs) have become an integral part of a trader’s workflow and have become increasingly more entrenched on trading desks.
Historically, order management systems have focused on automating internal communications, allowing traders to electronically collect orders and instructions from portfolio managers, aggregate orders into blocks, manage executions, collect fills and allocate to several different accounts. Today, however, OMSs are enhancing their functionality by providing advanced trading tools including analytics and reporting, access to multiple brokers and execution venues, algorithmic routing capabilities and advanced execution functionality available through direct market access (DMA) platforms and execution management systems (EMSs).
- Order Entry
- Order Validation
- Order Routing
- Risk Management
- Compliance
- Trade Matching and Confirmation
- User Interface
- Reporting and Analytics
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Client Creation
- Addition of dealers and clients in bulk.
- Modification of dealers and clients
- There are 4 types of users available in the system Web Retail Client, Retail Client, Dealer, Super Admin
Mapping dealers to client can be done in bulk and vice versa.
Enables bulk validation to ensure accurate and error-free dealer-to-client mappings
Update bank details of client that are already created in the system.
Strong data encryption to safeguard bank details during the updating process.
Reports such as orderbook,tradebook,net-postion,holding equity and derivative brought forward position are available.
Easy Uploads
Easy uploading features helps to make work simple reduce time and man power.
It can be easily integrated with back office software.
APIs to integrate with Back Office Systems & Databases.
Handle large volumes of data and transactions, ensuring scalability with security.
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Multi Admins
- Assigns privaliges such as user creation,modification to multipal admins.
- Use TT to get a complete picture of your firm’s orders, fills and positions.
Surveillance Master
Through Surveillance master limits can be set to members,branch and clients.
Limit inclusions provided to control MTM and User Margin on bases of their ledger balance, adhoc, payments and derivative margins.
Product Scrip Basket
Script wise margin % can be set for different products.
Allow / Disallow Fresh Buy / Sell.
Allow / Disallow SquareOff against Buy / Sell Intraday & Delivery positions.
Quanty and Value Limit
It is use to set exchanges wise,group wise,instrument wise and scrip wise limit for memeber branch dealer and client level.
Create multiple templates and assigne it to their clients according to type of client.
Ban Securities
Can be used to restrict scrip at member level.
Ban option contracts of near, next, far month expiry but defining ban percentage.
Intellect file format is available for ban security.
Client Risk Privilege
Limit Inclusions such as Ledger Balance, Adhoc, Payment/Receipts and PDHV.
Limit inclusions in Margin and MTM limit utilization (Notional Profit/Loss & Booked Profit/Loss).