BullsEye is an enterprise scale Multi Exchange & Multi Asset, Highly Customizable Trading System.
From Front End to Risk Management, It manages everything that you need to streamline your retail broker-dealer, institutions & prop desk trading business to maximise Trading efficiency, transparency & Analysis.
It Provides Highest Quality charts, Technical Indicators, Algo-Trading, Order Management, Risk Management, Market Scanners, Voice Commands Options Chain & Calculator and Advance Market Reports to provide a seamless trading experience to Traders & Investors.
With the help of Strong, Skilled & Experienced team of developers, BullsEye has a potential of handling large number of users at a single point of time. We continously refine our services to cater the needs of the Trading Community.
BullsEye is a muli-asset trading platform for retail broker with business of dealers, retail investor and traders. It comes with sophisticated OMS, RMS, compliance, trading platform, Web Application & Mobile App with advance technical analysis features.
For Institutional clients to meet trading objective, fast, reliable and superior execution is a priority. BullsEye provides leading & advanced technology for complex executions solutions, Algos, customized algorithmic trading, comprehensive Order and Risk Managements.
BullsEye trading solutions provides a cutting edge framework to build sophisticated proprietary quant model and execution strategies across asset class that eliminates missed opportunities, manual error and human emotions. The system provides robust APIs for Strategies, Indicators, Plugins & order executions that can be integrated with any external system.
Order Management System
Highly efficient Order Management & Routing System
Live Prices, Positions & Analysis
Real Time P&L across products
Multi-asset Trading: Equities, Futures, Options, Commodities
Risk Management System
Pre and Post-trade compliance checks
Real Time Risk Monitor based on margin
SPAN based margin
Template based Risk assignment at different levels: Clients, Groups, Dealer, Branch, Broker, Prop
Customized risk based on products
Trading Front Ends
High Performance Trading Front-End
Trader, Dealer and Admin terminal based on role and privileges
Customized your trading experiences based on widgets drag and drop
Watch list, charting, news, research and semi-Automated trading tools
Administrator Surveillance
User, roles and privileges management
Pre and Post-trade compliance checks
Fine grain control over the risk with automatic alerts and rule based squareoff
BOD and EOD process to integrate with back-office system
Customize your solutions with open API’s
Live, historical, news and analytics and on demand market data streaming API
Create your own customizable Strategies & Indicators
Integrated with Major Payment Gateways such as RazorPay, Techprocess & ATOM
Algo Trading
Connect with our partner brokers and execute trades automatically.
Create your own strategies and enjoy the flawless trade execution
Connect with multiple brokers on a single platform
Wide range of execution algorithms